S-Box is a dedicated box to each student and its content is absolutely free. In S-Box can be found different samples, coupons, and educational brochures. Everything in S-Box should make students life easier.
During one month period, we had three phases of the social media campaign. Pre-phase was the period with the announcement of activities with several posts. High phase – during the distribution of S-Box is a period when partners are promoted and activations are organized. During this phase, we had 15 posts and 2 activations. The third phase is the post-distribution phase with one activation and 3 posts. Our social media campaign for S-Box May distribution resulted in great organic reach of posts considering the scale of fan basis. Average organic reach of post during this period is 2.710 and therefore, around 40% of the fan base have seen each post.
Total Campaign Reach
Total Campaign Impressions
Total Engagement
Total Number of New Fans
Total Number of Activations
Total Number of Posts